What is LEED? LEED is a rating system devised by the United States Green Building Council to evaluate the environmental performance of a building.
Why save pieces of old buildings? Regrettably, not all buildings can be saved, whether it's due to erosion or finances. However, saving pieces and re-purposing them can help the memory of the building's past live on.
What can you do with these recycled pieces?
Almost Anything! From fireplace mantels and light fixtures to bricks and stones being used to build a new structure. The possibilities are endless!
Concept Sketch
The mission of DeConstruction Junction is to restore and preserve pieces of abandoned and derelict buildings through the use of post-consumer materials – items that have led a full life elsewhere and, instead of going into a landfill, are brought back to life. Some of the workshops offered revolve around:
-Window & Door Restoration
-Carpentry & Masonry
-Leaded Windows & Stain Glass
DeConstruction Junction is a LEED certified sustainable building.